If you’ve been injured or hospitalized, showering can be a real challenge because of your cast, dressings, or IV/PICC lines. You may even resort to using a plastic bag and duct tape to try to keep your affected limb dry, but that just doesn’t work.
Showereez Limb Protectors provide effective moisture protection for showering during treatment and recovery, which helps prevent frequent and costly replacement of casts and dressings. Showereez Limb Protectors also aid in avoiding possible related infections and maintain the integrity of the healing site. 100% LATEX FREE.
The patented, double-banded, elasticized closure allows the patient to apply the product single-handedly without the use of complicated straps, tourniquet closures, vacuum devices or adhesive. This special feature allows the opening to be spread out around the area to be protected, without having to be pulled or dragged across sharp edges or tender areas.